Listen ~ Your Answers Are Waiting

Dare to trust.  We have all been given the gift of intuition.  For most of us, it's simply a matter of paying attention and honoring our own ways of receiving without comparing ourselves to others.

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Rage & Cecil - Choose Again

I'm pretty darn selective about what I allow into my daily feed.  For example, I hardly ever watch the so called news or listen to talk radio.  I'm selective about what I see in my FB feed and if something comes thru that I don't want to see, I hide it from view.  However,  once in awhile, I will see a particular story everywhere I turn and I recognize that there must be something for me to learn.  Several years ago, that was the story of Cecil the lion and the dentist hunter. There was nowhere to turn where that story wasn’t present. (look it up if you must).

Now, those of you who know me, know that I'm a pretty calm, relaxed, easy going, happy gal...most of the time.  So, along comes this story and (seemingly) out of nowhere, I was enraged.  Rage exploded in every cell of my body, tears burst from my eyes, I felt as if I had been punched in the gut and I tasted metal.  

How could someone be so cruel?  What right did they have to inflict pain, take a life and take the head to mount as a trophy?  WHAT KIND OF MONSTER DOES THAT? How is this still legal?  Don't they have a heart?  What if someone did this to them?  BASTARDS!!  On and on my thoughts and emotions ran out of control. 

Then...I stopped myself.  Wow!!!  What was going on here?  Poaching, hunting, animal cruelty...unfortunately these are not new to our world.  I'm a vegetarian, so I'm no stranger to the way animals are treated.  

Why at that time was this story showing up for me (and the rest of the world)?  What could possibly be my lesson around this?  And...better yet...where the heck did all of that deep seated rage come from?  

So many layers to this.  As a psychic medium, my experience is that there is no actual death whether animal or person so why be incensed by this beautiful creatures death?'s not the death that's disturbing it's the cruelty and desired selfish gains of the egos involved.  I’ll just leave it at that.

I’m seeing such a correlation to the climate we are being presented with now. We have the opportunity to feel rage, confusion, absurdity, hate, injustice, etc., etc….and the list goes on. As a matter of fact, it is encouraged, we are groomed for it and told that this is just the way things are. This is normal. There is no shame in feeling whatever we feel that’s for sure. However, this also provides us a golden opportunity to choose again…choose Love, Beauty, Joy, Abundance, Peace, Compassion, Ease. Place reminders of these uplifting, life changing choices around you always. Every new moment is an opportunity to choose again.

And then….Choose again, and again, and again……….and again.





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I love what I do!!

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This is why I love what I do!!! I have the honor of connecting with Spirit to remind you "Beautiful Souls" that you are more than enough. To shine a light on all that makes you extraordinary and remind you that you have the power to alter the very fabric of your life. To see you light up with new hope, a renewed sense of awe and walk out the door feeling empowered. Now that's why I wake up every morning!! =D

Reminder: You are enough (more than).

You are amazing!! The very fact that you exist, means that you are more than enough. There are no accidents in this beautiful universe of ours. It is your duty to celebrate and share all that makes you who you are. Show us all of your wonderful, quirky, weird, awesome-tastic, juicy, bodacious SELF.

We're waiting with bated breath.  <3




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Getting Out of Our Own Way



Why do we do what we do?

What is that intangible quality that keeps us reaching to be our best in spite of insecurities, niggling fears or haunting anxieties that have us questioning everything?

There has to be a connection and commitment to something bigger and bolder than our little selves.  Bigger than that voice in our head that says:

"You're never going to be good enough."

"Who cares what you have to say?"

"You'll never make it."

"You're going to make an epic fool of yourself."

"Aren't there enough (fill in the blank) in the world already?"

"You'll never make a living doing that."

"Maybe you should just keep it a hobby and get a real job."

As a psychic medium, I see this first hand with the people I share with as well as my colleagues.  This is not an easy profession.  On a daily basis, we are invited to surrender to Spirit, open and trust that the exact message, information and healing will come thru clearly.  Trust that all of our heart felt studies, reading, classes and sharing will pay off and we will be our best possible selves and rise to meet the opportunities that Spirit brings our way.  

The truth of it is...we often fear that we will fail you.  Fear that we won't be able to make the connection to your dear loved one in Spirit, convey clearly the empowered truth of how amazing you are or provide the encouragement you so desperately crave to pursue your dreams.  

What keeps us going thru all of this?  The deep desire to be of service.  It's a calling on our heart.  It's that amazing feeling when we get out of our own way and have a transformational experience of love beyond logic and rational reasoning.  

It's the feeling during a psychic session, connecting soul to soul and the information just flows and the words come effortlessly.  The inspiration that is shared brings goose bumps and the person you're sitting with is moved to tears because of the deep resonance with their truth.  

It's the mediumship session where the connection with your Loved One is strong and crystal clear.  Their presence is so deeply felt that the air is electric with the memories, stories and evidence of their connection.  The love that so clearly bridges the perceived distance between the physical and nonphysical worlds brings healing, compassion and peace.  It is life changing.  

There is a knowing that we've just scratched the surface of limitless possibilities.

The bigger picture is, it's not about us.  It's about Love beyond measure.

This is what keeps us going. 

This is an invitation to service.  

This is my calling.


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Liberation - Breaking free from a negative attachment


Liberation - Breaking free from a negative attachment 

This card invites you to take inventory of your life and ask what currently uplifts you and what drains you.  By opening your hands and heart and releasing activities, and connections that drain you, you create space for more of what enlivens.

Fill your life with more of what makes you feel vibrantly alive.

Relax - Release - Renew 

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