Sacred Space

I love what I do!!

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This is why I love what I do!!! I have the honor of connecting with Spirit to remind you "Beautiful Souls" that you are more than enough. To shine a light on all that makes you extraordinary and remind you that you have the power to alter the very fabric of your life. To see you light up with new hope, a renewed sense of awe and walk out the door feeling empowered. Now that's why I wake up every morning!! =D

Reminder: You are enough (more than).

You are amazing!! The very fact that you exist, means that you are more than enough. There are no accidents in this beautiful universe of ours. It is your duty to celebrate and share all that makes you who you are. Show us all of your wonderful, quirky, weird, awesome-tastic, juicy, bodacious SELF.

We're waiting with bated breath.  <3




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Liberation - Breaking free from a negative attachment


Liberation - Breaking free from a negative attachment 

This card invites you to take inventory of your life and ask what currently uplifts you and what drains you.  By opening your hands and heart and releasing activities, and connections that drain you, you create space for more of what enlivens.

Fill your life with more of what makes you feel vibrantly alive.

Relax - Release - Renew 

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Pendragon Sword - Balanced Power

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Pendragon Sword - Balanced Power

You may have felt torn between heart and head lately. Know that true power lies in a balance of both. Invite you're intellect and heart to work in concert. Allow your heart to soften the sharp edges of your analytical thinking. When you do this, you are able to share what you "Know" from a kinder, gentler space and those around you are actually able and eager to receive what you're sharing.

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Luna Rossa (Red Moon) - Emotional Healing

Simply open your heart and let go. There is nothing that you need to do or work through.  Just allow all to unfold as it does and trust; this a blessing.  

I invite you to "In-Light-In" yourself.

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Eternity - The Immortal Present

You are an ocean of light, unfolding through time; this is your story.  Eternity is your destiny waiting to be filled.

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